Ending the suffering
and deaths of millions of children

caused by extreme poverty, neglected tropical diseases, lack of access to clean water, natural disasters, and conflicts.

One Action, One Impact!

ROGER MILLA PROGRAM is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded by football legends Roger Milla and Joseph Antoine Bell.They are supported in their work by other great football names like Samuel Eto’o, Patrick Mboma, François Omam-Biyik and Rigobert Song.

Dedicated to the cause of children, this organization supports national programs working towards eradicating extreme poverty and its consequences. 

It also provides support for programs:

  • Combatting neglected tropical diseases,
  • Construction projects for wells and boreholes to facilitate access to clean water, thereby reducing deaths related to waterborne diseases.

In the realms of sports and culture,

ROGER MILLA PROGRAM accompagne les jeunes talents en offrant des bourses d’études aux étudiants et élèves les plus méritants.

Our mission, our vision!

bring back the smiles
of these children
in distress.

This involves accelerating the humanitarian operation 'Clean Water Permanently in Schools' and 'Act Against Noma 2021-2030.'.

Also through the creation of a Special Solidarity Fund for children affected by natural disasters or conflicts.

ROGER MILLA CHARITY PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN: Ending the suffering and deaths of millions of children caused by extreme poverty, neglected tropical diseases, and lack of access to clean water. Action Plan 2023-2030 :
  • Construction of wells/boreholes in thousands of schools identified without access to clean water
  • Campaign prevention against Noma Disease
  • Surgery Campaign reconstructive free of Noma or acquired congenital malformations.
  • construction of a specialized regional hospital Africa specialized in maxillofacial surgery.
  • Aid for children affected by natural disasters and conflicts.


#Save140000Children is a global campaign for the prevention and awareness of the Noma disease, which devours the faces of children due to malnutrition and extreme poverty.

It's a lesser-known disease that destroys the lives of tens of thousands of children every year. Noma, a form of facial gangrene, primarily affects children aged 2 to 6. Nearly 90% of them die, while the survivors endure terrible suffering, forever disfigured. Today, football champions Roger Milla and Joseph-Antoine Bell are leveraging their fame to fight against this disease. They are launching a global campaign for prevention and awareness to prevent this tragedy from affecting more children.

Solidarity Fund
for Access to Clean Water

Water Fund seeks to end the suffering and deaths of millions of children caused by extreme poverty and lack of access to clean water.

Action Plan 2023-2030: Construction of wells/boreholes in the thousands of schools identified without access to clean water.

Make a donation to accelerate this campaign and change the lives of children attending schools without access to clean water in some of the poorest countries in Africa.

Solidarity Fund for
Children affected by Noma

Noma Fund is a fund to combat Noma disease. This disease, which affects over 140,000 children aged 2 to 6 each year, still afflicts the poorest populations in South America, Southeast Asia, and Africa.

Every year, approximately 100,000 children under the age of 6 die from Noma. This Gangrene, which attacks the oral and facial area, primarily affects the poorest regions of the world and is particularly devastating in Africa.

2022 Clean Water Permanently in Schools

In 2022, our project 'Clean Water Permanently in Schools' was successfully launched at the Ekoudou public school in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

We laid the foundation stone for this ambitious project, marking the beginning of our mission toprovide free drinking water to public schools.As part of this initiative, we launched campaigns to drill for clean water, ensuring a constant water supply.

Furthermore, we constructed a platform for the installation of a 5000-liter water storage tank, guaranteeing ontinuous access to clean water for the students and staff of the school.

Noma Fund, by its president, Roger Milla

I am Albert Roger Milla, a former international football player for the Cameroon national team. The cause I am reaching out to you about is Noma, a disease of extreme poverty, Gangrenethat leaves children without a face. This formidable disease, which kills almost all of its victims, spares the lives of the remaining 10% by leaving them completely disfigured, condemning them to hide and worsening their already precarious social condition.

The Project 'Act Against Noma 2021-2030', which I have the honor to sponsor along with other former football legends (such as the renowned goalkeeper Joseph-Antoine Bell), aims to eliminate this disease by 2030 in African countries. To achieve this, it envisions a comprehensive plan of awareness and mobilization, as well as the establishment of facilities for rapid care and reintegration of victims noma.

In the short term, we aim to see the establishment of a regional African hospital dedicated to severe cases of the disease. Currently, the few cases treated are handled in specialized European hospitals at very high costs, covered by some humanitarian organizations providing occasional assistance through a chain of solidarity.

I invite all well-intentioned individuals, both in politics and the private sector, from governments to philanthropists of all kinds, to join us in this fight for the dignity of our children so that together we can end the tragedy of Noma.

You have often seen me in the past, supporting numerous initiatives in African soil in my capacity as the President of the Heart of Africa Foundation. But this time, just when I thought I had been exposed to all forms of suffering, I was particularly struck by the phenomenon of children without faces. That's why through this initiative, I want to do even more, by getting more involved in this humanitarian action to achieve the complete eradication of this terrible childhood disease linked to extreme poverty.

Commit to Children with Noma

Every year, approximately 140,000 children under the age of 6 die from Noma. This Gangrene, which attacks the oral and facial area, primarily affects the poorest regions of the world and is particularly devastating in Africa.

Through field actions and awareness campaigns aimed at public authorities, we aim to push back the disease and enable the most vulnerable children to protect themselves against this scourge.

Our ambition is also to facilitate access to care at the first signs of the disease, significantly reducing its mortality rate.

To achieve this, the association aims to strongly commit to large-scale initiatives, including the construction of primary care centers and a regional reference hospital in Africa. These solutions would enable a swift, efficient, and optimal response to the disease.

Support Noma Fund

To achieve these goals, Noma Fund relies on the commitment of its members. By making a donation to the association, signing the petition addressed to the authorities, or joining Noma Fund, you can help us push back againstnoma, and protect the most vulnerable children from this scourge that still claims the lives of thousands of children today.

Personalities Involved in Our Program

The Founders




Committed to the fight against Noma and the driving force behind numerous petitions aimed at eradicating Noma disease. A football star, regarded as one of the greatest forwards in the history of African football.




Figure emblématique de la lutte contre le Noma, son objectif est porter à la connaissance des leaders politiques cette maladie de l’extrême pauvreté, en vue de son éradication. Ancien footballeur professionnel camerounais

Jean Baptiste

Directeur Général

Jean Baptiste

Directeur Général

Committed Members

Rigobert Song

Honorary Members

Rigobert Song

Samuel Eto'o

Honorary Members

Samuel Eto'o


Honorary Members

François Oman-Biyik

Patrick Mboma

Honorary Members

Patrick Mboma

They support us

Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus sur notre association humanitaire.

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur nos activités, soutenir notre mission ou poser des questions sur nos programmes ?

Nous sommes là pour vous répondre. NomaFund, en collaboration avec le Roger Milla Program, œuvre pour améliorer la vie des enfants touchés par le noma et pour garantir l’accès à l’eau potable dans les écoles en Afrique.

Utilisez le formulaire ci-dessous pour nous contacter. Votre engagement peut faire la différence.